Matthew 6:33 // But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
There is nothing worse than having things out of order in our life. We are unable to function correctly and we are rarely fulfilled as God would want us to be. As Christ followers, we are a part of a beautiful kingdom, whose king has a special way of doing things.
And that way is called righteousness. Whenever we are seeking God first, we are prioritizing His righteousness, His way of doing things over our own. God has an order to all that He has created, and as His creation, the order of our life matters to Him. He wants to know that He always comes first, no matter how busy the day or how urgent the task.
He wants our first.
We cannot afford to let our daily distractions and obligations cause us to miss how important putting Him first truly is. That busyness and desire for instant gratification that we all are tempted to pursue every day, will have us frustrated with the results time and time again. A life without God being first is just like placing a cart before the horse, hoping to see it move.
Nothing good is going to happen from that because what needs to be first is not in place.
Remember this: whatever we place in our lives as first we honor. It is something we value as important and critical to our well-being.
When we place God as first in our lives, we are showing Him the honor that He is due. And when we put Him first, we will never be second to anything. Simply because when order is restored, blessing is released. The things we desire from God daily – His presence, His provision, and His promises concerning our lives are released in us and through us when He becomes first.
Whatever we place in our lives first we honor.
If you want to see the supernatural happen in your life, and are ready for exponential growth, seek His kingdom first. It you are ready for exponential growth and for your capacity to grow, seek His kingdom first. Worship Him first before anything in your day is added.
Because when you do, He begins to add to your life in a way you never could imagine.
*This devotional is from A God First Life, written by Pastors Michael and Charla Turner