Be Fruitful

Genesis 1:28 // Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it.

Have you ever been called lazy before? Not a great feeling is it? It seems like a harsh word to hear, and perhaps even more harsh to say, but it’s a word Jesus actually used when describing those who refused to do something meaningful with the time and talents they were given.

In what is called ‘the parable of the talents, Jesus shares that an owner gave talents to several of his servants before heading off on a journey. When he came back, he discovered that some of the servants reproduced and multiplied what they had, while others chose not to by hiding it. Those that multiplied their talents were given more, but those that did not, he called them lazy. In fact, he not only called them lazy, he called them wicked.

One of the things you and I must understand as believers is how much God has invested into us. When we consider the investment He made using the blood of His very own son, it ought to shape something within our hearts. To knit us together with Him and to provide us with purpose and destiny while we were still in our mother’s womb, it ought to spark something within us.

Our God is a God who has invested a lot into us. And He wants a return on His investment.

Everything that God designed was done so with the purpose of being fruitful.

Men and women were both created and provided the tools to bring forth life when they come together as one. When we look at nature, specifically how trees and plants reproduce and multiply after themselves, we can see that fruitfulness is something that God expects out of everything that is connected to Him.

When you and I stand before God and hopefully hear those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” it will most likely be because we followed His Word and were fruitful. God will call us good at the end of our life because we fully embraced what He says about what is right. And He will call us faithful because we weren’t satisfied with just showing up in life, but that we were committed to produce a return.

A fruitful harvest of everything He has called us to do.

Day 8 of 21 Days of Prayer

*This devotional is from A God First Life, written by Pastors Michael and Charla Turner