Matthew 6:21 // For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
If you want to know what the key is to having a more intimate relationship with God, it is found in one simple word: generosity.Giving is the gateway to more intimacy with God, because we are never more like God than we are generous with what is most important to us.
Jesus makes it clear in this passage that our heart can not be separated from our treasure. In fact, our treasure never follows our heart, it is our heart that follows our treasure. What we value most can be seen when we examine our finances, as well as what we value least. As believers, we want to commit ourselves to a life of generosity, a life where His Kingdom is first concerning our money.
If we want our heart to remain close to God, then our treasure must be put in Him and what He loves. And what He loves more than anything is His kingdom. It should be a joy and an honor for us to give towards Kingdom work whenever we can. Giving should never be a burden or something that grieves us. We never have to worry about sacrificing our finances for His Kingdom because our God is someone we can never out give. He will never owe us. And we give beyond our comfort levels, we are able to access and experience His presence in ways unimaginable.
Our giving is the purest form of worship that we have.
We are drawn closer to God every time we do.
It is important to understand that God does not need our money or our treasure. It is our heart that He’s after. He is well aware that gaining wealth outside of Him will not fulfill us. We are only fulfilled when we become a vehicle through which God can give to others. When our families, neighbors and strangers can experience God through our giving, we are able to see what a true treasure really looks like.
Our God gives us the free will to do what we want with our treasure, and as believers, we should choose Him over all. His kingdom and His righteousness is what we seek. It is what living and leading a God-first life is all about.
If you are determined to leave a legacy in the earth, and to make sure what you’re doing today will be remembered by your children’s children, then begin to live a life of generosity. Don’t allow fear to stop you from becoming a giver. Always remember that whenever you give, people will get saved, you and I get blessed, but God will get the glory.
God is ready and willing to multiply whatever you give to Him when you do so in faith and with your whole heart.
Day 15 of 21 Days of Prayer
*This devotional is from A God First Life, written by Pastors Michael and Charla Turner
*This devotional is from A God First Life, written by Pastors Michael and Charla Turner